Fall Covid 19 Update and Rules


Important message to our Twin Pines customers:

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Twin Pines regrets announcing that for the remainder of the harvest season (including all weekends) we will not be providing wagon rides, walking tours, scavenger hunts or food samples. We will also be limiting the number of people onto the farm property, and the length of their visit.

We are encouraging people to come to the store to do their shopping during the week, and if possible to send in one person from your group at a time.

We remind people that if you are experiencing symptoms of being sick, have been out of country recently, or have been exposed to someone with COVID to please stay home. If you are coming, please remember to physically distance from others, and to wear a face mask.

The Twin Pines family appreciates the community’s support and understanding! We still will strive to provide a safe but enjoyable harvest experience!

Thank you,

The Twin Pines Family

Twin Pines